Function Strlen Dev C++

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Function strlen shows the number of character before 0 and using it for std::string may report wrong length. Strlen(str.cstr); // It may return wrong length. In C, a string can contain 0 within the characters but C-style-zero-terminated strings can not but at the end.

  • Once a function pragma is seen, it takes effect at the first function definition that contains a specified intrinsic function. The effect continues to the end of the source file, or to the appearance of an intrinsic pragma specifying the same intrinsic function. You can only use the function pragma outside of a function, at the global level.
  • You need to include cstring header for strlen. #include you could alternatively include string.h and that would put strlen in the global namespace as opposed to std namespace. I think it is better practice to use cstring and to drop using using namespace std.
  • Sep 28, 2018  strlen function in c The strlen function calculates the length of a given string.The strlen function is defined in string.h header file. It doesn’t count null character ‘0’.
  • Using the C basicstring member functions: cstr to convert the contents of a string as a C-style, null-terminated, string, length to return the current number of elements in a string, data to convert the contents of a string into an array of characters and strlen to return the C-style string length.
  • Jan 18, 2007  NULL to strlen function. C / C Forums on Bytes. Home topics c / c questions null to strlen function + Ask a Question. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 447,642 IT Pros & Developers. I tried the following program unit in Microsoft Visual c 6.0 and the program caused unexpected.
  • Strlen using loops. The string.h header file in C comes with both the size and length functions pre-defined within itself. Often the two functions are used interchangeably and even perform in a similar manner returning the same values. And on the other hand the cstring.h header file has strlen function.
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The C library function size_t strlen(const char *str) computes the length of the string strMac os x boot camp system requirements. up to, but not including the terminating null character.


Following is the declaration for strlen() function. /bartender-3-mac-os.html.


  • str − This is the string whose length is to be found.

Return Value

This function returns the length of string.


Sizeof Function In C

The following example shows the usage of strlen() function.

Strlen Function In C

Let us compile and run the above program that will produce the following result −

The Strlen Function Returns
