Rex C100 Auto Tune
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So I thought I would start a new discussion on my controller build. After seeing what @olddog had built for the other members of the forum I had to have one. At this point the build is still in the gathering mode getting all the bits and bobs that I am going to need. As some of you might know I have a dash unit and I plan on getting a 120L SD boiler to go with her just need em to be in stock again.
Problem With Rex C100 Auto-tune Staying On
So the over all plan is to build a console controller that is mounted on the side on the boiler on a swing arm.
also note that the picture has be designed by a engineer.
Sep 16, 2017 Now I have other problem, I've ordered from ebay another c100 but this one is 'Berne REX-C100' and the menu differs from my old 'RKC REX-C100'. Problem is that I need it to show me decimals of °C because I am using it in my egg incubator. I have PT100 (thermocouple) and I want to use it instead of the K type thermocouple that came with C100. REX - C100 REX - C700 REX - C400 REX - C900 REX - C410 INITIAL SETTING MANUAL R K C RKC INSTRUMENT INC. F.M F RANKLIN P TY L TD P H. (07) 3391 4865. This is a manual for the initial setting of the REX-C100, -C400, -C410, -C700, & -C900. Do not touch or adjust parts other than those covered in this manual. The instrument was manufactured. Jun 27, 2016 This is a high level overview of the Chinese made Berme Rex-C100 PID Temperature Controller. This controller can be used for both cooling and heating applications. Good for brewers and smoker. I recently ordered a REX C100 for my electric melting furnace project. As it came already with a SSR and temp sensor I only added a sensor capable of reading more than 400° of the supplied one. These controller are dirt cheap and have lots of supp. Re: PID controll values sorted. The oven is quite big - 3200x1200x1700mm, 12 electrical heating elements x 2200W, therefore the respond of the system is very slow. After several tests the results are here: PID controller REX-C100 Proportional band 72°C Integral time.
As much as this build is about building a console controller that is fully functioning it is also about over all ferness of the look of the machine. I am a welder by trade and I really appreciate metal work. Generally when I build something from still for a friend or a customer I don't cut any corners but when it comes to my own work I tend to take the root of lets just get the job done so I can get on with enjoying my time. But not this time. The gloves came off the day I paid for my SD dash unit. Every thing I do from now on that is for my stilling is going to be smick :D
So I probably should start talking about the controller. I want to run 2 elements in it. Some advise on what one's to pick would be appreciated.
I had to re wire the shed last year so I could run 3x20 amp power points. I said to the Sparky I want to run 3 welders at the same time make it happen.
I have all ready received a bunch of gear in the mail for the build PID lights buzzers switches This build wont be one of those builds that get's done over night. expect it to take a few months to get done. I also want to incorporate beer making in to the unit while I am at it as its something that I have just started to get in to. Down the track all grain. I want to have the ability to tern pumps on and off. Monitor all my stilling temps and so on. One problem I think I might have is finding the right shape SS box that I am looking for.
Another pro engineering drawing. Can is use a wav file in traktor pro.
Berme Rex C100 Auto Tune
/videohive-cooking-show-free-download.html. One last picture of what I have all ready gathered.